Les présentes pages ont pour but de faire partager ma passion pour l'aviation et de présenter mes livres.
16 Avril 2010
Three women were in
the crew of seven on the Space Shuttle Discovery which blasted off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The historic nature of the occasion appeared to have slipped under the radar at Nasa.
"Maybe that’s a credit to the system, right, that I don’t think of it as male or female?" said Bill Gerstenmaier, Nasa’s associate administrator for space operations, when it was pointed out
that, from left, Naoko Yamazaki, Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger and Stephanie Wilson were on board with Clay Anderson (rear)
Trois femmes "souriantes et belles" étaient dans l'équipage de sept astronautes de la Navette
spatiale Discovery qui décolla du centre spatial Kennedy en Floride...
Bien découplé et passionné d'aviation
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